Work for Yourself at 50+

More than 37 million people over the age of 50 are at risk of not having enough income to meet their basic needs. Join WEDC May 20th, 2021 for a webinar geared towards older adults interested in exploring self-employment options to increase their financial stability. Work for Yourself@50+ breaks the choices down for older adults […]


How to Use Instagram to Grow Your Business

They say “a picture is worth a thousand words” and no one proves this better than Instagram.  With 90% of accounts following at least one business on Instagram, the need to build your brand is more important than ever. Join WEDC May 25th, as Kathy shares her digital marketing expertise for building your brand essentials […]

5 Building Blocks to Brand your Business on Social Media

Webinar topics include: Purpose: Why are you on social media, What goals do you have in mind? When you measure results in 3 months, what exactly are you going to be looking for? Product: What exactly is your product? What problem are you actually solving? People: Who is your target audience? Reaches are in the niches […]


Habilidades Digitales para Tareas Diarias

Aprende a administrar las tareas del trabajo y de la vida diaria de manera más eficaz con las herramientas de Google.  Puedes usarlas para elaborar un presupuesto, crear una agenda de reuniones u organizar tus prioridades.  Estas mejores prácticas impulsarán tu productividad. Expositora: Sixcia Devine: Grow with Google Trainer Autora, educadora y oradora sobre marketing […]


MWBE Certification- Demystified

MWBE certification helps you reach a broader network of customers, contracts and resources.  In partnership with Family Services SNUG, we are hosting this online workshop to provide you with everything you need to know about the MWBE certification process. Webinar Topics: What is MWBE certification? The benefits of certification Am I eligible to apply? What […]


An Evening of Entrepreneurial Wonder

Participate virtually! WEDC's An Evening of Entrepreneurial Wonder celebrates and honors WEDC's mission of empowering local entrepreneurs to start and strengthen their businesses.  For Tickets & Sponsorships Opportunities, contact Nikki Hahn at

Manufacturing 101: What You Need to Know to Compete

Must attend both online sessions from 6pm to 9pm:  Session 1: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 Session 2: Wednesday, June 23, 2021 This workshop will discuss:  Understanding micro-manufacturing and its impact on your business Prototyping for success The technologies available and where to go Software and management tools to help decision-making Unconventional options for financing your […]


From Pandemic to Progress: How Small Businesses Can Prosper During COVID & Beyond

In this virtual conference, WEDC, WCEC and WBECEast are bringing together women and minority business owners operating in NJ, NY & PA to network, share business challenges, and learn strategies to thrive and survive during the covid-19 pandemic and beyond. Attendees will have the chance to communicate with government officials & attend virtual workshops.   […]


How to Apply for the NYS Recovery Grant Program

The NYS COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program was created to provide flexible grant assistance to currently viable small businesses, micro-businesses and for-profit independent arts and cultural organizations who have experienced economic hardship due the COVID-19 pandemic. Who Is Eligible? Small businesses, Micro-businesses and For-profit independent arts and cultural organizations must be currently viable […]


How to Apply for the NYS Recovery Grant Program

The NYS COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program was created to provide flexible grant assistance to currently viable small businesses, micro-businesses and for-profit independent arts and cultural organizations who have experienced economic hardship due the COVID-19 pandemic. Who Is Eligible? Small businesses, Micro-businesses and For-profit independent arts and cultural organizations must be currently viable […]


Taller: Camino a la Iniciativa Empresarial


¿Quiere conocer que se necesita para empezar su propio negocio en Nueva York? En este taller virtual de dos horas aprenda sobre: Las características de un empresario exitoso Qué implica ser un dueño de negocio Que se necesita para abrir su propio negocio Quienes serán sus clientes y su competencia Donde conseguir permisos y licencias […]


How to Apply for the NYS Recovery Grant Program

The NYS COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program was created to provide flexible grant assistance to currently viable small businesses, micro-businesses and for-profit independent arts and cultural organizations who have experienced economic hardship due the COVID-19 pandemic. Who Is Eligible? Small businesses, Micro-businesses and For-profit independent arts and cultural organizations must be currently viable […]
