Elige el Mejor Color para tu Marca: Branding – Evento en Persona

White Plains Public Library 100 Martine Avenue, White Plains, NY, United States

¡Agrégale branding a tu negocio y lleva tu negocio al siguiente nivel! Únete a WEDC y a la Biblioteca Pública de White Plains, en este taller en persona de dos horas y  aprende sobre: Llamar la atención del cliente con tu marca Como elegir el mejor color para tu marca y logo Aprende a diferenciarte […]


Promueve tu Negocio en las Redes Sociales (Facebook + Instagram)


En este taller, aprenderás a definir una estrategia de mercadeo y tendrás las bases para programar, publicar y promover usando Meta Business Suite para Facebook e Instagram. Temas:  Define tu perfil de negocio y el objetivo para tus redes sociales Optimiza tu tiempo y alcanza tus clientes potenciales Utiliza las herramientas: Canva y Meta Business […]


Vende Tu Producto Como Un Pro

Howland Public Library 313 Main St, Beacon, NY, United States

Aprenderás a vender tus productos como un profesional, sin métodos complicados. Temas: Haz que tus clientes amen tus productos Vende usando las redes sociales Crea relación con tu cliente contando tu historia Crea fotografías profesionales con tu celular Fecha: Jueves, 4 de mayo del 2023 Hora: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Costo: Gratis Lugar: Howland […]


Mother’s Day Event: Networking, Fashion Show and Marketplace / Evento del Dia de la Madre: Networking, Desfile de Moda y Mercado

WEDC Westchester 901 North Broadway - Suite 23, White Plains, NY, United States

Take advantage of this in-person opportunity to connect with other business owners, see fashion, shop, and much more! Date: Tuesday May 9, 2023 Time: 6 - 8 pm Cost: $25 Location: 901 North Broadway, Suite 23, White Plains 10603 Register today! ¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad en persona para conectarte con otros dueños de negocio, ver moda, […]


MWBE Certification- Demystified

Think Dutchess Alliance for Business 3 Neptune Road, Suite A21, Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

MWBE certification helps you reach a broader network of customers, contracts and resources! Topics: What is MWBE certification? Benefits of certification Am I eligible to apply? What is the certification process? Location: Think Dutchess Alliance for Business- 3 Neptune Road, Suite A21 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Speaker: Zacha Tuttle, MWBE Specialist, WEDC Reasonable accommodations for persons […]


Elementos Esenciales de los Contratos

        ¿Que sabes sobre contratos? ¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad gratis para poder aprender sobre contratos y hablar con abogados! Temas incluyen: ¿Por qué son importantes los contratos en los negocios? Importancia de los detalles y expectativas del acuerdo. ¿Qué es un arrendamiento comercial? Importancia de entender las cláusulas de un contrato antes de […]


Spring Alumni Network Event

ice cream social 481 Mamaroneck Ave, White Plains, NY, United States

WEDC Alumnae, Pam Geiger & Erin O’Keefe, will share how they have successfully used social media to build brand recognition and sales for their business. Erin and Pam will take you on a journey through Ice Cream Social’s Instagram/Facebook feed (on your phone) highlighting what worked well, what didn’t, and the lessons they learned along the way. […]


Your Financial Journey- Start Where You Are

Think Dutchess Alliance for Business 3 Neptune Road, Suite A21, Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

Note: Registrants must attend both in-person sessions on Thursday, June 1st and Thursday, June 8th from 6pm to 8pm. Location: Think Dutchess Alliance for Business- 3 Neptune Road, Suite A21 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Sponsored by:  "Your Financial Journey- Start Where You Are" specifically focuses on recognizing whether your money history, money behaviors, money beliefs are […]


Revisit your Why to Move your Business Forward with Clarity and Confidence

WEDC Westchester 901 North Broadway - Suite 23, White Plains, NY, United States

This workshop will help you recalibrate and rediscover your why, so that you can return to a sense of moving your business forward with clarity and confidence.

You will create a vision for your future and be taken on a journey of inner exploration through your past.

Join us for an opportunity to finally get unstuck and make progress down your entrepreneurial path!


Soluciones de Square para tu Negocio


¿Quieres conocer todas las posibilidades que Square ofrece para crecer tu negocio?  En este taller virtual, aprenderás sobre las capacidades de Square en: Comercio: Descubre cómo las herramientas pueden facilitar tus operaciones comerciales, desde pagos rápidos hasta administración de inventario y ventas en línea. Clientes: Aprende cómo puedes conectarte mejor con tus clientes y brindarles […]


WEDC’s Summer Social

Raymour & Flanigan 1 Maple Ave, White Plains, NY, United States

WEDC's Summer Social
Featuring the WEDC Client Marketplace -and- Headshot Workshop
Free to network and shop. Light refreshments will be served.

*Headshots are $35pp and registration is required. 


An MWBE Journey from Sub to Prime Contractor


During this virtual workshop, attendees will understand the journey of navigating next steps after becoming MWBE certified.  You will also discover business capital requirements, how to appropriately market your business based upon your relevant industry and compliance needs to be successful upon securing a contract. Topics: Position your business to secure government contracts Subcontracting- key […]

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