Use Your Financials to Recover from COVID

POSTPONED   Join this two-part workshop to understand financial management and its importance in business decisions.  Participants must attend both sessions from 6:00pm - 9:00pm: Session 1: Monday, April 19th Session 2: Monday, April 26th Topics Include: Prepare to apply for and receive financing Extract valuable financial information to make adjustments quickly Using financials to […]


How to Leverage Certifications to Win Government Contracts

Enhance your understanding of how to leverage your MWBE certification! Learning Outcomes: Tips for working with government agencies Determine what state agencies purchase Tips on how to market your goods or services Best practices and pitfalls to avoid when bidding  


Personal Branding & Your Digital Presence

Inspire and motivate others with your unique personal brand! Your business' offline and online presence should be coordinated and authentic.

Join this WEDC webinar and learn practical steps to achieve success with personal branding. 


Reach Customers Online with Google

Join WEDC and Grow with Google speaker, Petia Abdur- Razzaaq, to learn how your business can be found online with Google.  This workshop explains how Google Search works and how you can improve a website's visibility with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  The session also introduces products like Google My Business, Google Trends, Search Console, Google […]


NEW DATE: Getting Comfortable with Negotiating

Join this webinar to learn how to perfect effective negotiating abilities 

Great negotiating skills are essential for a business to stay in business. These skills can help business owners close deals, gain a reputation, and grow in scale. 

Speaker: Kathy Meany

Founder and President of Phoenix Learning Solutions, LLC. 

Kathy is a Certified Professional in Training Management, Facilitator, and Instructional Designer, offering an extensive global and multi-disciplined background in the development and delivery of programs in leadership development, core business skills, diversity and inclusion, career mobility and transition, and more. She is a MBTI® Certified Practitioner, and is certified with the Social and Emotional Intelligence Institute.


Free Headshots

Neptune Road Building - Conference Room A 3 Neptune Road, Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

We are not accepting walk-ins.  There is limited availability. You work hard to start and grow your businesses and since most contacts see you online, WEDC is partnering with Laurie Spens Photography to provide you with free, professional headshots!  You will also be provided with information on how to use your headshot on platforms such […]

Finanzas Personales en Tiempos de Covid-19

  WEDC se une a la Biblioteca Pública de White Plains para ofrecer este taller virtual.  Los temas que trataremos son: Importancia de las Finanzas Personales Manejo de las finanzas en época de stress Importancia del ahorro Establecer metas (SMART) Desarrollar, implementar y ajustar un plan financiero Identificar maneras de aumentar ingresos y reducir gastos […]


Work for Yourself at 50+

More than 37 million people over the age of 50 are at risk of not having enough income to meet their basic needs. Join WEDC May 20th, 2021 for a webinar geared towards older adults interested in exploring self-employment options to increase their financial stability. Work for Yourself@50+ breaks the choices down for older adults […]


How to Use Instagram to Grow Your Business

They say “a picture is worth a thousand words” and no one proves this better than Instagram.  With 90% of accounts following at least one business on Instagram, the need to build your brand is more important than ever. Join WEDC May 25th, as Kathy shares her digital marketing expertise for building your brand essentials […]

5 Building Blocks to Brand your Business on Social Media

Webinar topics include: Purpose: Why are you on social media, What goals do you have in mind? When you measure results in 3 months, what exactly are you going to be looking for? Product: What exactly is your product? What problem are you actually solving? People: Who is your target audience? Reaches are in the niches […]


Habilidades Digitales para Tareas Diarias

Aprende a administrar las tareas del trabajo y de la vida diaria de manera más eficaz con las herramientas de Google.  Puedes usarlas para elaborar un presupuesto, crear una agenda de reuniones u organizar tus prioridades.  Estas mejores prácticas impulsarán tu productividad. Expositora: Sixcia Devine: Grow with Google Trainer Autora, educadora y oradora sobre marketing […]


MWBE Certification- Demystified

MWBE certification helps you reach a broader network of customers, contracts and resources.  In partnership with Family Services SNUG, we are hosting this online workshop to provide you with everything you need to know about the MWBE certification process. Webinar Topics: What is MWBE certification? The benefits of certification Am I eligible to apply? What […]

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