Camino a la Iniciativa Empresarial – Newburgh
Newburgh Free Library 124 Grand Street, Newburgh, NY, United StatesRegístrese Aquí
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The goal of the workshop is to give entrepreneurs the mindset and skillset to confidently share their knowledge and expertise as a recognized expert. Whether it’s in a pitch session, a customer meeting, or at professional conferences and other high-stakes, high-visibility events, it’s important to present your expertise in an assured and confident manner Instructor: […]
Classes start February 13, 2019 and are held primarily Wednesday evenings from 6 to 9 PM Click MHV Spring 2019 Schedule for the list of topics and dates. LOCATION: Dutchess Community College 53 Pendell Rd - Bowne Hall Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 If you have an idea for a business, some experience in the field, or have […]
A Unique Opportunity Learn how to review and test your business ideas with a proven and practical method known as the “Business Model Canvas.” This succinct method distills your business model to a single page, helping you progress to the next stage in your entrepreneurial journey. By completing your business model canvas, you will be […]
Camino a la Iniciativa Empresarial (New Rochelle) Aprenda acerca de: Las características de un empresario exitoso Que se necesita hacer para abrir su propio negocio, quienes serán sus clientes y su competencia Donde conseguir permisos y licencias para su negocio Recursos que WEDC ofrece para ayudarlo a tener éxito y mucho más! Registese Aqui
Do you want to have your website appear on the top search results? Class covers WordPress only. Must be comfortable using WordPress. H2-Studio founder Barbara Lee is an award-winning brand professional with expertise in digital marketing. Barbara has worked with clients like Unilever and Robert Wood Johnson as well as small to mid-level nonprofits and economic […]
Mount Vernon Residents Only Classes start February 21, 2019 and are held primarily Thursday evenings from 6 to 9 PM. Click Mount Vernon Spring 2019 Schedule for the list of topics and dates. LOCATION: Mount Vernon City Hall 1 Roosevelt Square N. Mount Vernon, NY 10550 If you have an idea for a business, some experience in the field, or have started […]
If you run a business, the Internet should be one of your top 2 biggest sources of referrals. Having a website is a MUST, but now that website needs to be seen by people who are looking for your service. Dean Steinman President, Presentation Multimedia Inc. Register Here
El Programa de Entrenamiento Empresarial (New Rochelle) Obtenga ayuda para empezar, mejorar o establecer su propio negocio. El Programa de Entrenamiento Empresarial de 60+ horas incluye: Información sobre Acceso al Capital Planificación del Mercadeo Mercadeo por Redes Sociales Planificación para el Éxito Flujo de Caja Operaciones Asuntos Legales Registese Aqui
SOLD OUT - Must have registered to attend Make 2019 your best year! Come and benefit from this interactive round-table where you will meet mentors from different backgrounds Register Now
Do you want to take your business to a higher level? Register Now
Si tiene una idea para un negocio, algo de experiencia en el campo, o ha iniciado un negocio, entonces este curso es adecuado para usted. Ayuda a todos los empresarios a concentrarse, establecer agendas y dar el siguiente paso para hacer crecer sus negocios. ¡Asistir al curso es solo el comienzo de su viaje! […]