DIY Like a Pro: Social Media

Learn how to successfully market your products and services online. 

Participants in this three-part bootcamp will create their own social media strategy and present it for peer & professional feedback.

Part I: Thursday, March 10, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 
Part II: Thursday, March 17, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 
Part III: Thursday, March 24, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 


How She Started It: Three Entrepreneurs Share Their Stories

In honor of Women's History Month, WEDC is co-sponsoring: How She Started It: Three Entrepreneurs Share Their Stories. Learn how three successful entrepreneurs launched and grew their businesses. Get answers to your questions. Connect with women business owners. Discover what inspired them to start a business; how their priorities have changed; how they overcame challenges; how they raised money; what […]

Video 101: How to Use Video to Market Your Business

Learn why video content is the most powerful digital marketing material you should be focused on.  Gain insights on the types of videos that will engage your audience.  Discover ways you can include video as a part of your marketing strategy.   Learn the basics of creating a well crafted video: a simple recipe for […]


Evento Anual de Networking 2022 – Virtual – Gratis

Regístrate, Conecta y Celebra.  Únete a WEDC, al banco HSBC y a la Biblioteca Pública de White Plains y aprovecha esta oportunidad para conocer y conectar virtualmente con otros emprendedores y dueños de pequeños negocios y celebremos juntos en este año 2022 la resiliencia de los emprendedores hispanos.  Cupos Limitados.  ¡Regístrate Hoy Mismo!


Video 101: How To Use Video To Market Your Business

Learn why video content is the most powerful digital marketing material you should be focused on.  Gain insights on the types of videos that will engage your audience.  Discover ways you can include video as a part of your marketing strategy.   Learn the basics of creating a well crafted video: a simple recipe for a DIY approach.  

Session 2 Topics: 

2021 statistics on video content in marketing
Types of video content to engage your audience
Building a video marketing strategy
Basics of a well crafted video
DIY Approach: Recipe for a simple video you can make
Working with a production company

Video 101: Ready Your Spotlight for Instagram Reels & YouTube

In this session you will learn about two popular video formats/platforms, Instagram Reels and YouTube, and how to leverage them for greater online visibility. Session 3 Topics:  What is an Instagram Reel? Creating a Reel on Instagram Ensure your Reel gets seen What kinds of videos work best for YouTube? Uploading a video to YouTube […]


Video 101: Ready Your Spotlight for Instagram Reels & YouTube

In this session you will learn about two popular video formats/platforms, Instagram Reels and YouTube, and how to leverage them for greater online visibility. Session 3 Topics: What is an Instagram Reel? Creating a Reel on Instagram Ensure your Reel gets seen What kinds of videos work best for YouTube? Uploading a video to YouTube […]

Reach Customers Online with Google

Join WEDC and Grow with Google speaker, Petia Abdur- Razzaaq, to learn how your business can be found online with Google. This workshop explains how Google Search works and how you can improve a website’s visibility with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The session also introduces products like Google Business Profile, Google Trends, Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Ads, and more.

In this workshop we’ll discuss best practices for:
• Improving your website’s visibility in Google’s organic search results, on all devices
• Creating a free Google Business Profile
• Advertising your business on Google

How to Get Business Funding

This webinar will help you understand the various options for obtaining financing for your small business. We will cover:  Why does your business need capital? How much do you need? How will you pay it back? What and how it will be used for? How will it affect your bottom line? Is this a one-time […]


Hiring Your First Employee or Contractor in New York State

Has your small business or start-up organization taken off? Are you looking for help to support your work?

As your small business or start-up grows, you must consider several factors as you look to hire a new team member, whether it be obtaining an identification number or creating a fair compensation plan.

Join expert attorneys for a free webinar to discuss what you should know about hiring your first employee or contractor in New York state.

Programa de Impacto para Negocios de Cuidado Infantil – Virtual-

WEDC se une al banco HSBC para ofrecer el Programa de Impacto para Negocios de Cuidado Infantil - Haga crecer su negocio de cuidado infantil - Virtual Al completar todo el programa recibirá su propia computadora.  Además habrá concursos con premios en efectivo y entrega de certificados. 5 sesiones que se reunen los miércoles de […]

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