Taller: Camino a la Iniciativa Empresarial


¿Quiere conocer que se necesita para empezar su propio negocio en Nueva York? En este taller virtual de dos horas aprenda sobre: Las características de un empresario exitoso Qué implica ser un dueño de negocio Que se necesita para abrir su propio negocio Quienes serán sus clientes y su competencia Donde conseguir permisos y licencias […]


How to Apply for the NYS Recovery Grant Program

The NYS COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program was created to provide flexible grant assistance to currently viable small businesses, micro-businesses and for-profit independent arts and cultural organizations who have experienced economic hardship due the COVID-19 pandemic. Who Is Eligible? Small businesses, Micro-businesses and For-profit independent arts and cultural organizations must be currently viable […]


Taller: Camino a la Iniciativa Empresarial (Westchester, New York)


¿Quiere conocer que se necesita para empezar su propio negocio en Nueva York? En este taller virtual de dos horas aprenda sobre: ¿Quiere conocer que se necesita para empezar su propio negocio en Nueva York? En este taller virtual de dos horas aprenda sobre: Las características de un empresario exitoso Qué implica ser un dueño […]


Marketing from the Ashes: How to Drive a Post-COVID Comeback

Session 1: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 from 6pm to 8pm Session 2: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 from 6pm to 8pm Session 3: Wednesday, August 25, 2021 from 6pm to 8pm Sharpen your brand, streamline your website and get found online with this branding and marketing bootcamp.  Developed specifically for businesses looking to make a comeback […]


Path To Entrepreneurship

What do you need to start a successful business?

Learn how to:

Plan to start your business
Finance your new business
Build your business network
Market your new products & services

Trainer: Persephone Zill

WEDC’s Women’s Business Center Director, brings a wealth of experience with entrepreneurial education and non-profit management. She was the Associate Director at Fordham University’s social innovation lab and a Senior VP at Feeding Westchester, developing strategic partnerships around solving hunger in Westchester County. Ms. Zill previously served as the Program Director for WEDC, training and counseling women entrepreneurs for nine years. She received a BA in American Studies from Barnard College and an MBA in Management/Entrepreneurship from Baruch College. Ms. Zill currently serves as a task force member for Westchester County’s Incubator Network.

When: Aug 11, 2021, 06:00 PM – 8:00pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)


How to Apply for the NYS Recovery Grant Program

The NYS COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program was created to provide flexible grant assistance to currently viable small businesses, micro-businesses and for-profit independent arts and cultural organizations who have experienced economic hardship due the COVID-19 pandemic. Who Is Eligible? Small businesses, Micro-businesses and For-profit independent arts and cultural organizations must be currently viable […]


Making the Shift to an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Topics Include:

Step Outside of the Box in a Fun & Safe Environment.
Learn Tips & Tricks to Cultivate Business & Personal Relationships.
Channel your Creative Energy Using the Skills you Already Have.

Instructor: Nethia Heyward, Private Comics, Inc.

Nethia Heyward is an educator and comedienne best known for utilizing her creative technique to create an atmosphere of fun learning. She is the owner of Private Comics, Inc. Nethia has an unwavering commitment to empowering, motivating, educating and inspiring entrepreneurs to achieve a higher level of success. Nethia holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Drama Studies from SUNY Purchase and a Master’s Degree in Professional Studies from New York University. Her small business, Private Comics, Inc., is an educational entertainment company, providing customized personal and professional development services for entrepreneurs, corporations and educational institutions.

Social Media Bootcamp (Serie de 3 Talleres)


En este programa intensivo de serie de 3 talleres virtuales , aprenderás a administrar las redes sociales enfocadote en tu propio negocio, emprendimiento o idea de negocio que tengas: Fechas: Agosto 17 de 6 pm a 8 pm Agosto 19 de 6 pm a 8 pm Agosto 26 de 6 pm a 8 pm Los […]


Camino a la Iniciativa Empresarial

En este taller virtual de dos horas aprenda sobre: Las características de un empresario exitoso Qué implica ser un dueño de negocio Que se necesita hacer para abrir su propio negocio Quienes serán sus clientes y su competencia Donde conseguir permisos y licencias para su negocio Recursos que WEDC ofrece para ayudarlo a tener éxito […]


Social Media Bootcamp – Serie de 3 talleres- (II Clase)

En este programa intensivo de serie de 3 talleres virtuales , aprenderás a administrar las redes sociales enfocadote en tu propio negocio, emprendimiento o idea de negocio que tengas: Fechas: Agosto 17 de 6 pm a 8 pm Agosto 19 de 6 pm a 8 pm Agosto 26 de 6 pm a 8 pm Los […]


Social Media Bootcamp – Serie de tres talleres (III Clase)

En este programa intensivo de serie de 3 talleres virtuales , aprenderás a administrar las redes sociales enfocadote en tu propio negocio, emprendimiento o idea de negocio que tengas: Fechas: Agosto 17 de 6 pm a 8 pm Agosto 19 de 6 pm a 8 pm Agosto 26 de 6 pm a 8 pm Los […]

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