How GREEN Is Your Bottom Line?

WEDC Westchester 901 North Broadway - Suite 23, White Plains, NY, United States

Register here


Social Media 102 – Clinic

College of Westchester 325 Central Avenue, White Plains, NY, United States

Come to PART II of our free program at College of Westchester where business students will introduce you to social media platforms and teach you the ins and outs of using them for your business. 


Business Growth Accelerator Program Information Session

WEDC Westchester 901 North Broadway - Suite 23, White Plains, NY, United States

Free information session to discuss WEDC's new Business Growth Accelerator Program. Refreshments will be served.   FREE INFORMATION SESSION NOV.14 REGISTER HERE                                                        


Create Your Own Website On A Shoe-String Budget

WEDC Westchester 901 North Broadway - Suite 23, White Plains, NY, United States

In this 3-hour workshop you will learn about:
• Honing your message with content strategies that drive results and highlight your value differentiation
• Gathering images that convey your message
• Using the WIX platform
• Styling your site using principles of graphic design
• Incorporating widgets and embedding code
• Selling on-line


Can a CRM System Help Me Grow My Business?

WEDC Westchester 901 North Broadway - Suite 23, White Plains, NY, United States



Path to Entrepreneurship – White Plains Ed & Training Center

White Plains Education & Training Center 303 Quarropas Street, White Plains, United States

Do you have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur? The Path to Entrepreneurship is a two hour introduction to small business ownership. We will discuss characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and criteria for a successful business. Topics will include planning, financing, marketing, and networking your business. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Path to Entrepreneurship – Mount Vernon Public Library

Mount Vernon Public Library 28 South 1st Avenue, Mount Vernon, NY, United States

Do you have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur? The Path to Entrepreneurship is a two hour introduction to small business ownership. We will discuss characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and criteria for a successful business. Topics will include planning, financing, marketing, and networking your business. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER


Path to Entrepreneurship – White Plains Public Library

White Plains Public Library 100 Martine Avenue, White Plains, NY, United States

Do you have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur? The Path to Entrepreneurship is a two hour introduction to small business ownership. We will discuss characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and criteria for a successful business. Topics will include planning, financing, marketing, and networking your business. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER


Small Business Round Table

  Do you need capital to grow your existing business? Are you an entrepreneur who needs a loan to start a business? Mayor Richard Thomas and the Mount Vernon Small Business Round Table invite you to an Access to Capital Seminar.   Find out about available financing options for businesses that don’t qualify for a […]

Path to Entrepreneurship- Ossining Public Library

Ossining Public Library 53 Croton Avenue, Ossining, NY, United States

Do you have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur? The Path to Entrepreneurship is a two hour introduction to small business ownership. We will discuss characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and criteria for a successful business. Topics will include planning, financing, marketing, and networking your business. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

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