60 Hour Entrepreneurial Training Program (Mt. Vernon)

Mount Vernon City Hall 1 Roosevelt Square, Mount Vernon, NY

Camino a la Iniciativa Empresarial (New Rochelle) Get help starting or expanding your small business! WEDC’s premier 60 Hour business plan course will guide you through the preparation of your business plan and set you on a path for growth. Topics include: Marketing Financial and digital marketing Operations Legal and success planning Classes start March […]


Path to Entrepreneurship Program – Mt. Vernon

Mount Vernon City Hall 1 Roosevelt Square, Mount Vernon, NY

Camino a la Iniciativa Empresarial (New Rochelle) Do You Have What is Takes to a Successful Entrepreneur? Find Out Now! Free Program Characteristics of a successful entrepreneur What it takes to run your own business Introduction to small business ownership Preference given to Mt. Vernon Residents Register Here


60 Hour Entrepreneurial Training Program Spring 2019 – Mount Vernon

Mount Vernon City Hall 1 Roosevelt Square, Mount Vernon, NY

Mount Vernon Residents Only  Classes start February 21, 2019 and are held primarily Thursday evenings from 6 to 9 PM. Click Mount Vernon Spring 2019 Schedule for the list of topics and dates. LOCATION: Mount Vernon City Hall 1 Roosevelt Square N. Mount Vernon, NY 10550 If you have an idea for a business, some experience in the field, or have started […]
