Lassey Mensah

Lassey came to the EAP center to get his IT services business off the ground. He was unemployed and wanted to take this opportunity to go out on his own. So, to move towards his goal Lassey took advantage of WEDC’s services: Path to Entrepreneurship Workshop, Business Counseling, Fall 2016 60 Hour Entrepreneurial Training Program, Completed Business Plan, Formed an LLC, Increase Sales.
Lassey made his unemployment an opportunity to have a livelihood he could grow. WEDC is thrilled to be able to support Lassey in his continued journey of business growth.
Lassey detailed “Before I started the program I have a vision of the future but didn’t have a path to get to it. With the help of WEDC program I have built my confidence and have learn how to build a business plan that allows me to have a road map. Please be informed that I could have never done it without the Help of WEDC program. Through the program I have learned that to be an entrepreneur and have a successful business, you need to have a business plan. Thank you, Cynthia and the WEDC team for all the help and support.”