Camino a la Iniciativa Empresarial ( New Rochelle)

New Rochelle Public Library 1 Library Plaza, New Rochelle

Camino a la Iniciativa Empresarial (New Rochelle) Aprenda acerca de: Las características de un empresario exitoso Que se necesita hacer para abrir su propio negocio, quienes serán sus clientes y su competencia Donde conseguir permisos y licencias para su negocio Recursos que WEDC ofrece para ayudarlo a tener éxito y mucho más! Registese Aqui  


Rank On The First Page Of Google

The Accelerator 4 Crotty Lane, Suite 100, New Windsor

Do you want to have your website appear on the top search results? Class covers WordPress only.  Must be comfortable using WordPress. H2-Studio founder Barbara Lee is an award-winning brand professional with expertise in digital marketing.  Barbara has worked with clients like Unilever and Robert Wood Johnson as well as small to mid-level nonprofits and economic […]


60 Hour Entrepreneurial Training Program Spring 2019 – Mount Vernon

Mount Vernon City Hall 1 Roosevelt Square, Mount Vernon

Mount Vernon Residents Only  Classes start February 21, 2019 and are held primarily Thursday evenings from 6 to 9 PM. Click Mount Vernon Spring 2019 Schedule for the list of topics and dates. LOCATION: Mount Vernon City Hall 1 Roosevelt Square N. Mount Vernon, NY 10550 If you have an idea for a business, some experience in the field, or have started […]

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